Relatives’ kidney transplantation
Introduction to relative kidney transplantation
The relative kidney transplantation is to take a kidney from a healthy relative body and transplant it to the kidney transplant surgery in patients with uremia.Due to the severe shortage of kidney sources, relative kidney transplantation has become an important source of kidney supply and an important supplement to donation of organs of citizens, in order to alleviate the increasingly increasing demand for kidney transplantation and kidney shortage.
Kinship requirements
In relative kidney transplantation, the recipient and donor usually need to meet certain kinship relationships, including parents, children, and spouses. For specific kinship relationships, please click here. The closeness of these kinship relationships helps increase the success rate of tissue typing and reduce the risk of immune rejection.
Pre -surgery evaluation
Before renal transplantation surgery, suppliers and recipients need comprehensive and detailed medical evaluation to ensure the safety and success of the operation.Preoperative examinations include: blood type matching, tissue matching, health assessment, psychological evaluation, etc.
Postoperative management
Postoperative management is essential for long -term survival of the transplantation of kidney and even patients.The recipient needs to conduct regular medical examinations to monitor the concentration and effect of renal function and immunosuppressive drugs.At the same time, maintain a healthy lifestyle, including taking medicine on time, a balanced diet, moderate exercise and avoiding infection.
Quality of life
Relative kidney transplantation can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. Successful kidney transplantation can restore normal kidney function, allowing them to resume daily activities and work. In addition, the donor can quickly recover their health and continue to live a normal life after surgery.
Kinship kidney transplantation is an effective and safe method of kidney transplantation, bringing new hope to many patients with renal failure. As one of the earliest units in China to carry out relative kidney transplantation, the Kidney Transplantation Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University is committed to providing the highest quality medical services and helping patients regain their lives.
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The advantage of living relatives’ kidney transplantation
Kinship kidney donation has shown significant advantages in multiple aspects.
Genetic factor matching
In kidney transplantation, the matching degree of human white blood cell antigen (HLA) between the supply and recipient is often high.This genetic matching helps reduce the patient’s rejection of the rejection of the new kidney, thereby reducing the risk of rejection after transplantation.Due to the genetic similarity between relatives, the transplantation of the kidneys is more likely to be accepted by the receptor’s body, which improves the success rate of transplantation and long -term survival.
High quality of kidney supply
The quality of donor kidneys mainly depends on the length of their hot and cold ischemia time. Kinship donor kidneys significantly shorten the hot and cold ischemia time compared to DCD donor kidneys, minimizing ischemia-reperfusion injury to the greatest extent possible and ensuring good donor kidney quality, resulting in rapid and good recovery of transplanted kidney function after surgery.
Strong emotional connection
The coordination and communication between relatives are more closely, which helps ensure the perfect implementation of pre -surgery.The emotional connections and support between relatives have a positive impact on recovery of receptors and physical and mental health.
Reduced time and economic costs
Living relative kidney transplantation significantly shortens the waiting time for patients. Compared to DCD donor kidneys, living relative kidney transplantation can be performed quickly after both the donor and recipient are ready, thereby avoiding long waiting times and related health risks, accelerating the treatment process, and improving the quality of life. At the same time, relative kidney transplantation reduces the economic burden on patients. In addition, the incidence of transplant kidney rejection after living relative kidney transplantation is relatively low, and the dosage of postoperative immunosuppressants is relatively small.
The safety of kidney donors is relatively high
In recent years, the perioperative mortality rate of relative kidney donors has dropped to extremely low levels, and the short-term glomerular filtration rate after surgery is roughly 65-70% of preoperative levels. In the long run, there is no significant difference in the mortality rate of kidney donors compared to the general population. Recent studies have even found that the mortality rate of live kidney donors is lower than that of the general population in terms of cardiovascular related deaths. Therefore, living relatives who meet the criteria for kidney transplantation are safe, and kidney donors who follow medical advice have no significant decline in kidney function after surgery.
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The risk of living relative kidney transplantation
Live relative kidney transplantation is also accompanied by some potential risks and challenges. The Department of Kidney Transplantation at Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University is committed to helping patients respond to these challenges to ensure the health and safety of the supply and receptor.
The risks and challenges of donors
Surgery -related risk
When the supply is undergoing renal resection, the risk of infection, bleeding and organ injury may be faced, but it can usually be well controlled.
Postoperative complications
After donating a kidney, the remaining kidneys need to bear all functions, and complications such as hypertension and renal dysfunction may occur.
Psychological burden
1. Donation of the kidneys is a major decision, and the supply of the body may face psychological pressure such as worry about postoperative health.Risk of metabolic diseases
2. Supply body may increase the risk of metabolic diseases (such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia) after donation, so long -term health monitoring and lifestyle management are particularly important.
Risk and challenge of receptor
Risk of rejection reaction
Even if genetic similarity between relatives reduces the risk of rejection, recipients still need to take immunosuppressive drugs for a long time to prevent the immune system from attacking the transplanted kidney.
The side effects of immunosuppressive drugs
Long -term taking immunosuppressive drugs may increase the risk of infection, tumor, diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
Postoperative complications
Hypertension, diabetes and other complications may occur after receptor surgery, and even chronic damage to the kidney transplantation (such as interior fibrosis and small tubular atrophy) may occur.
Drug compliance problem
Receptors need to take a variety of immunosuppressive drugs for a long time, but some receptors may not strictly follow the drug use plan due to the side effects, cost burdens or other reasons, which will increase the risk of exclusion reactions and other complications.
Psychological burden
The recovery of postoperative surgery is accompanied by huge psychological pressure. The receptor may worry about the survival of the kidney and the quality of the postoperative life.
For the possible risks and challenges mentioned above, the Kidney Transplantation Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University will conduct detailed disease and anatomical assessments for the donor and recipient before surgery, using advanced surgical techniques to reduce trauma and ensure smooth surgery; After the surgery, our medical team (doctors, nurses, and pharmacists) will closely monitor the patients and promptly address any issues; In addition, the kidney transplant team also combines artificial intelligence to provide full lifecycle health management for recipients. We will accompany both donors and recipients throughout the process, ensuring their health and quality of life are maximally protected through comprehensive medical management and psychological support.
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Kidney transplant team

Professor Zhu Tongyu
PhD, chief physician, doctoral supervisor
Specializes in kidney transplantation, including preoperative evaluation, postoperative management, and postoperative complications; Diagnosis and treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections; Diagnosis and treatment of urinary system tumors

戎瑞明 教授

许明 副教授

王继纳 副主任医师

杨橙 副主任医师

王宣传 副主任医师

戚贵生 主治医师

朱冬 主治医师

张伟韬 住院医师
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⑴ 初步筛查
① 血型、血常规、肝肾功能、电解质、离子浓度、血脂、空腹血糖、尿常规(如发现蛋白尿,加做24小时尿蛋白定量)等;
② 彩超:甲状腺、肝胆胰脾、肾脏+输尿管、膀胱、肾上腺、腹膜后,男性增加前列腺和阴囊内容物,女性增加乳腺、子宫和附件等。
⑵ 进一步检查
① 实验室检查:定血型(外院,根据政策规定,需要包括本院在内的两个医院检测血型)、凝血功能全套、输血前九项(有乙肝病史者查HBVDNA,有丙肝病史者查HCVRNA)、血沉、结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-spot)、甲状旁腺素(PTH)、巨细胞病毒(CMV)IgG和IgM等;
② 肿瘤标志物检查:PSA+fPSA(男性≥50岁)、AFP、CEA、CA199、CA724、NSE、CA125和CA153(女性)等;
⑶ 最后检查
HLA配型、同位素肾图、肾脏血管CT (CTA、CTV)等。
② 病毒学相关检查:HBV-DNA(乙肝患者)、HCV-RNA(丙肝患者)、巨细胞病毒抗体、风疹病毒抗体、弓形虫抗体、EB病毒抗体、BK病毒核酸定量分析(血、尿);
2. 关系证明
3. 供体及关系人和受体户籍证明及要求
⑤ 若存在供体父母已死亡的情况,可去居委会或村委会开具死亡证明,证明内容包括供体(姓名、身份证号码)与其父母(姓名)的关系,以及其父母的死亡时间,并加盖居委会或村委会公章,死亡证明可以手写;
⑦ 如果供体及关系人在一个户口本上(供体、受体户口未分开),可将户口本复印,并在复印件上加盖派出所公章,民警签字留电话;供体、受体不在一个户口本上的关系人,需按上述第3、4要求,开具户籍证明。
4. 供体、受体2寸单人证件照各1张。
5. 中山医院输血科的供、受体双方血型报告单,中山医院组织配型实验室出具的供受体双方HLA、PRA、CDC报告。
6. 供体必须提供的检查报告:血常规、尿常规、肝肾功能、凝血功能、空腹血糖、血脂、乙肝两对半、丙肝抗体、HIV抗体、RPR、心电图、胸片、腹部B超、CTA、ECT,并汇报身高体重;受体必须提供的检查报告:近期血常规、肝肾功能、凝血功能、乙肝两对半、丙肝抗体、HIV抗体、RPR报告单。
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中山掇英 | 新民晚报:妈妈给了他第二次生命


